Top Five Superfoods this weekend


The latest buzz in nutrition circles is that we should eat like our ancestors – it’s called Epigenetics.


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Healthy digestion leads to a healthy body. It all starts with good gut bacteria, found in fermented foods. They help to fight off infections, make B vitamins and break down some of the nutrients we eat for better absorption. Fermentation is a method of preserving food that dates back thousands of years across many different societies. So it’s likely that most of our ancestors were eating them. There’s fermented cabbage known as kimchi in Korea, sauerkraut in Germany; Parmigiano Reggiano in Italy; yoghurt in Turkey and even fermented raw fish, funazushi, in Japan. You can find these foods plus tempeh and miso soup in supermarkets and health food stores. But if you can’t see yourself eating these foods it’s worth getting a good quality probiotic supplement.




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Fibre is essential for keeping your bowels regular and supporting your gut bacteria too. Some of our food choices today are much more refined than those of our ancestors. As a result, they don’t include as much fibre. We eat white bread, pasta and rice, while they were more likely to eat their wholegrain alternatives. So it’s worth making a switch too. Even better, try replacing two to three meals that are made with bread or pasta based with lentils, chickpeas or beans.



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Both EPA and DHA Omega 3 are essential for our health. They’re anti-inflammatory and help fight depression, anxiety and macular degeneration. They also help to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol. Unlike other fats such as Omega 7 and 9 our bodies can’t produce it. We have to get it from our diet and that’s almost exclusively from oily fish such as sardines, mackerel and anchovies. While our ancestors ate plenty, our modern palates just don’t seem to enjoy them as much. Also, because of environmental pollution, we should limit our intake to four portions a week.* For most of us, that’s not enough. That’s why supplementing daily with a pure and high dose fish oil is essential. Our grandmothers weren’t far off when they insisted we took cod liver oil!



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In the UK we’re severely lacking in Vitamin D. Very recently the UK government put out a new health warning suggesting that we supplement with this vitamin. It’s important for bone health, mental health and fertility. You can get vitamin D from salmon, dark green leafy vegetables and mushrooms. However, the best source is from the sun. Unfortunately, we just don’t get enough sunshine in the UK. And while our ancestors were more likely to work outdoors, we spend most of our time in offices, which doesn’t help. So it’s worthwhile to take a daily supplement.



Rocket, watercress, spinach and kale. These are some of the dark green leafy vegetables we should aim to eat every day. Aside from being rich in minerals and vitamins such as magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, vitamin C, D and A, their bitter taste supports digestion. It stimulates the release of digestive enzymes that help to break down our foods for better absorption and energy. If we can eat more of them, it’s unlikely we’ll need to take a multivitamin. But, much like oily fish, we don’t seem to eat a lot of bitter greens anymore. Eating at least 1 cup with each meal is recommended.

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