Bollywood fans are in for a delightful surprise as Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt prepare to reunite for a new project by singer AP Dhillon, titled “Old Money”. On Friday, AP Dhillon generated buzz by sharing a teaser of “Old Money” on Instagram. The teaser, with images of Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt alongside AP Dhillon, the message read “Old Money” and a playful question, “Did you miss me?” AP Dhillon also tagged Salman, Sanjay, and rapper-songwriter Shinda Kahlon in the post, adding, “I know you didn’t see this one coming…”
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Salman Khan expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration on his Instagram Story, praising AP Dhillon with the remark, “Singer toh tha he acha, ab AP as an actor (He’s a good singer, now AP is an actor). Bring it on singing action star.”
Sanjay Dutt joined the excitement by commenting “Brothers” on AP Dhillon’s post, adding to the anticipation. Although AP Dhillon has kept details about the project under wraps, the announcement has already stirred excitement among fans.
Amritpal Singh Dhillon, better known as AP Dhillon, is a Canadian Sikh singer, producer, rapper, and songwriter associated with the Punjabi music industry. Dhillon’s musical journey started with several singles topping charts, including hits like “Fake,” “Faraar,” and “Deadly.” His breakout single, “Brown Munde,” achieved significant success, reaching number one on the UK Asian chart and making an impact on Apple Music charts in Canada.
His unique blend of talent and charisma has made Dhillon a music sensation, collaborating with major stars and continuing to captivate audiences worldwide.