Shraddha Kapoor recently unfollowed Rahul Mody on Instagram along with his sister, his production company, and even his dog. However, Rahul still follows Shraddha’s account, leaving fans to speculate if this signals a breakup or if it’s a marketing move for her upcoming movie, Stree 2.
A Reddit user was the first to spot Shraddha’s latest Instagram activity, sparking rumors about a potential split. The fact that Shraddha unfollowed Rahul after nearly confirming their relationship on social media got everyone talking.
One user wrote, “Unfollowing the dog is a little too much.” Another said, “They were pretty much official… Why did she do that? And Stree 2 has enough hype she doesn’t require that type of promotion.” A user wrote, “I just hope it’s not for Stree promotions or create hype.” Another wrote, “Bechara dog.” One commented, “I guess it is just a Stree 2 promotional gimmick. What sad sad lives these people lead that they have to utilise their long-time partners as tools on social media to garner interest for their movies.”
Shraddha and Rahul’s romance rumors began earlier this year, and they have been seen together multiple times. In June, Shraddha posted a picture with Rahul on her Instagram Stories. In the photo, Shraddha was smiling at the camera while Rahul made a goofy face. She captioned it, “Dil rakh le, neend to vaapis de de yaar,” along with a series of emojis, including a laughing face and a heart, and tagged Rahul in the picture.