A five-year-old boy named Mivansh Singla drowned in a swimming pool at a residential society on Thursday. The incident took place in BPTP Park Serene housing society of Gurgaon. This happened in the presence of two lifeguards who were on duty.
The two lifeguards were arrested by Gurgaon police for negligence. The residents of the society allege that the lifeguards were distracted, playing games on their phones, and failed to notice the boy moving from the shallow 1.5-foot pool to the deeper 4-foot pool.
Sitaram, Mivansh’s grandfather, explained that his wife, who had accompanied Mivansh to the pool, briefly left to fetch a towel. During this time, the boy ventured into the deeper pool, where he tragically drowned. Sitaram accused the management of BPTP Pvt Ltd, the company responsible for the maintenance of the swimming pool, of gross negligence.
“The death was caused because he swam in the four-foot deep pool due to the negligence of BPTP Pvt Ltd, the management company, and the individuals mentioned,” Sitaram stated.
The boy was rushed to Signature Hospital, where doctors declared him dead. The Sector 10A police station registered a case against the maintenance company and three lifeguards under Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) section 106, which deals with death by negligence.
This incident has sparked outrage among the residents of BPTP Park Serene housing society, who are demanding accountability and stricter safety measures. Although, The BPTP has declined to comment on the issue.