Mumbai: In recent developments, Ravi Navlani, a Non-Resident Indian (NRI) and textile businessman based in Russia since 2000, has been detained in Moscow under alleged charges of swindling and preparation of a crime. The information surfaced as his father, Prem Kumar Navlani, filed a petition in the Bombay High Court, seeking intervention and justice for his son.
According to Prem Kumar Navlani, Ravi was taken into custody on July 4 in Moscow. Since then, he has reportedly been held allegedly without proper legal representation, food, or water. The petition alleges an attack by six unidentified individuals prior to his apprehension. During the subsequent detention lasting thirty hours, no legal counsel or translator was provided.
Prem Kumar Navlani has urged the Union of India and the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in India to take necessary actions to secure Ravi’s release from Russian authorities. The plea underscores the perceived lack of due process and humane treatment during Ravi’s detention. The petition describes Ravi’s detention as “preventive” for a two-month period.
Additionally, Ravi alledges to have endured physical abuse and coercion to pay for his release by certain Russian officials. These allegations raise concerns about the treatment of foreign nationals within the Russian judicial system.
The Bombay High Court is scheduled to hear the pleas regarding Ravi Navlani’s detention on December 19.