Sagar: In a tragic incident, nine children lost their lives when a wall collapsed on a tent in Madhya Pradesh’s Sagar district on Sunday morning. The tragedy occurred around 8:30 AM amid heavy rain, according to police reports. Two additional children sustained injuries and were promptly taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.
Madhya Pradesh | 9 children died after being buried under the debris of a wall in Sagar. Some children are injured, and they are under treatment. All the debris has been removed from the site of the incident: Deepak Arya, Collector, Sagar
(Source – DIPR)
— NewsMobile (@NewsMobileIndia) August 4, 2024
Initial reports suggest that the heavy downpour from the previous night caused the wall to give way. Upon receiving information about the incident, senior officials and district administration authorities, including District Collector Deepak Arya, rushed to the scene. Local police and rescue teams launched an immediate rescue operation to assist those affected.
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav expressed his deep sorrow over the tragic incident. He has directed the district administration to ensure proper treatment for the injured children.
The Chief Minister extended his heartfelt condolences to the families affected by the tragedy and announced that the government will provide the families of the deceased will receive financial assistance of ₹4 lakh each.
आज सागर जिले के शाहपुर में हुई अतिवृष्टि के कारण जर्जर मकान की दीवार गिरने से 9 मासूम बच्चों के काल कवलित होने की खबर सुनकर मन व्यथित है। घायल बच्चों के उचित इलाज के लिए जिला प्रशासन को निर्देशित किया है।
भगवान से करबद्ध प्रार्थना है कि दिवंगत बच्चों की आत्मा को शांति प्रदान…
— Dr Mohan Yadav (@DrMohanYadav51) August 4, 2024
This incident follows a similar tragedy in Madhya Pradesh’s Rewa district, where four children lost their lives in another wall collapse just a day prior. The children, aged between 5 and 7, were returning from school when the wall fell. Authorities have arrested the homeowners in connection with the Rewa incident.
Madhya Pradesh has been experiencing severe weather, resulting in multiple rain-related accidents. This year, around 200 people have died in the state due to rain-induced incidents. The heavy rains have caused extensive damage to properties, with 206 houses reported as completely destroyed and 2,403 partially damaged.
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