Pune: Civic officials announced on Tuesday that 66 confirmed cases of Zika virus have been reported in Pune city since June. Among the infected, four patients have died, though their deaths were attributed to pre-existing health conditions and not the Zika infection itself. The deceased individuals were aged between 68 and 78 years.
The health department highlighted that 26 pregnant women are among those infected. These women are being closely monitored, and most are reported to be in good health. The first case of Zika virus infection in Pune this year was detected on June 20, when a 46-year-old doctor tested positive. His 15-year-old daughter was also later confirmed to have the virus.
The Pune Municipal Corporation’s (PMC) health department has assured the public that no deaths have been directly linked to the Zika virus. Additionally, in response to the outbreak, the PMC health department is implementing measures to control the situation. These include enhanced surveillance and fumigation efforts to prevent mosquito breeding.
Zika virus infection during pregnancy can lead to microcephaly, a condition characterized by significantly smaller head size in babies due to abnormal brain development. The virus is primarily spread through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, which also transmits dengue and chikungunya.