Telangana YouTuber Kodam Pranay Kumar was arrested on Sunday after uploading a controversial video in which he prepared and consumed ‘peacock curry.’ The video quickly went viral, drawing widespread condemnation and leading to his arrest under the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972.
Superintendent of Police, Siricilla, Akhil Mahajan, confirmed the arrest and emphasized that strict action would be taken against Kumar and anyone else involved in such illegal activities. “Case has been registered under concerned law and strictest action would be taken against him and anyone else doing such activities,” Mahajan stated.
Animal rights activists and netizens have expressed outrage over the incident, calling for severe penalties. As part of the investigation, samples of the curry and Kumar’s blood have been sent for forensic analysis.
The peacock, India’s national bird, is protected under the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. It is illegal to own, capture, or harm peacocks, with violations inviting severe penalties.