A video has gone viral online, claiming that a Hindu man in Bangladesh was trying to escape from an angry Muslim mob by jumping into a water body after his wife and daughter were allegedly abducted and raped. The users also assert that the man was “stoned to death inside the water”.
The video is shared on Facebook with a caption: (See below.👇)
Here’s the link to the above post. (Archive)
NewsMobile fact-checked the above claim, and found it to be FALSE.
Searching with Bengali keywords, the NM team found several Bangladeshi news reports that provide a different context to the incident. Media outlets such as The Daily Campus, Jamuna TV, Juktadhara, and Dhaka Post reported that the video, in reality, shows Takzil Khalifa Kajol, the Mayor of Akhaura (Municipality in Bangladesh), swimming away to escape an attack from a mob. These attacks occurred in the wake of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s resignation and subsequent escape from the country, which led to widespread violence against Awami League leaders. The news reports make no mention of a Hindu being attacked or of any related incidents as described in the viral claim.
A video report from Jamuna TV also captured the incident from a different angle, further confirming the identity of the person as the Awami League leader.
A video report uploaded by Kalbela News on August 10, 2024, corroborates these details, showing Mayor Kajol swimming to escape after his house was set on fire by the mob.
Thus, we can conclusively say that the viral video from Bangladesh has gone viral on social media with a FALSE communal twist.
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