A picture is doing the rounds on social media showing actor couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor with a baby. It is being claimed that the toddler in their hand is daughter Raha, who remained out of the public eye.
The above article can be seen here. The same picture was being posted on social media as well with the same claim.
NewsMobile fact-checked the above picture, and found it to be morphed.
Putting the picture through Reverse Image Search, we identified the same picture multiple times. Upon extensive digging, we came across an article on the official website of ABP News which featured the original image.
As per the caption, it was Esha Deol with her husband Bharat Takhtani and their daughter Miraya.
In the above FAKE vs REAL collage, it is clear that Esha Deol and Bharat Takhtani’s faces were replaced by Alia and Ranbir’s faces using photo-editing software.
Meanwhile, Alia and Ranbir follow a strict policy of not revealing their daughter’s face. So, we can conclusively say that the viral claim is false.
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