Amid the reports of a possible shutdown of the social media and messaging platform Telegram, it’s being claimed on digital media platforms saying that Instagram will also shut down from September 10.
The claim in Hindi reads: “10 तारीक को Instagram बंद हो जायेग जल्दी से अपने दोस्तों को शेयर करो” (English translation: Instagram will be closed on 10th, share it quickly with your friends.)
The above post can be seen here (archive). More such posts can be seen here, here and here.
NewsMobile fact-checked the claim, and found it to be false.
The NM team could not find any credible report about shutting down of the Instagram.
Therefore, a representative from Meta, the parent company of Instagram, confirmed to NewsMobile that the viral claim regarding Instagram’s shutdown is false.
If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 11 7127 9799
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