Ahead of the release of Shah Rukh Khan starrer movie ‘Pathaan’, a picture has surfaced on the internet in which security personnel can be seen outside a cinema hall with a poster of Pathaan on the billboard. One of the captions with the picture suggested that due to the makers of the movie (Pathaan), there has been tight security at the cinema hall.
The caption in Hindi read:”कुछ लोग के वजह से अब सिनेमा हॉल में भी पुलिस का पहरा लग गया आओ बेटा”
(English translation: “Because of some people, now the cinema hall is also under police guard. Come on.”)
The above post can be seen here. Another such post can be seen here.
Newsmobile fact-checked the above picture and found it to be morphed.
On putting the picture through Reverse Image Search, we found a tweet with the original picture which had the poster of Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh starrer movie ‘Padmaavat’.
In the above FAKE vs REAL collage, it is clear that Pathaan’s poster was superimposed on the Padmaavat poster in the original picture using photo editing software.
On digging further we found pictures similar to the original one moments apart in several reports. The Hindu report dated January 25, 2018, featured one such picture. According to the report, the picture was clicked on January 25, 2018, outside the Delite Cinema where the film Padmavat was screened after protests.
Hence, with the above findings, it is established that the picture in question is morphed.
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