Days after clashes between Delhi Police and protesting farmers on Republic Day, a picture is being shared on social media, with a claim that this is the horrifying face of Delhi Police. In the picture, a police officer can be seen trampling a man with his boots.
A Facebook user shared the post with a Punjabi caption, “ਦਿੱਲੀ ਪੁਲਸ ਦਾ ਖੌਫਨਾਕ ਚਿਹਰਾ।’
(Translation: The horrifying face of Delhi police)
Here’s the link to the above post. Check other similar posts here, here and here.
We found the same post on Twitter as well. Here’s the link.
We fact-checked the post and found it to be misleading.
Firstly, we ran a Reverse Image Search on the picture, along with some keywords, which led us to an article dated March 13, 2011, featuring the picture in question.
According to the caption of the image, the incident happened during a protest organised by the Samajwadi Party in Lucknow’s Hazratganj area and identified the police officer as DIG DK Thakur.
As per the article, the protest was organised by Samajwadi Party’s youth wing Lohia Vahini against the arrest of party chief Akhilesh Yadav on 9 March in 2011.
On digging further, we found an Indian Express report dated March 17, 2011, titled “PIL filed against ‘boot thrashing’ Lucknow DIG”, which further confirmed that the picture in question is from 2011. Here’s the link to the article.
According to the article, a PIL was filed in the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court on March 16, 2011, seeking action against Lucknow DIG DK Thakur for allegedly beating up Samajwadi Party workers and trampling one the protesters’ face with his boots.
Hence, based on the above information, we can say that the picture being shared is a 2011 image from UP. Therefore, the claim is misleading.
If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 11 7127 9799
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