An image is widely shared on social media claiming that one of the four main accused, Manish Kashyap — in a case for sharing a fake and misleading video with the claim of violence on Bihar migrants — has been arrested by the Bihar Police.
The image is shared on Facebook with a caption: “बिहार के लाखों गरीब और मजदूर भाईओ के अवाज़ को उठाने वाला जाबाज़ पत्रकार मनीष कश्यप को एक अपराधी की तरह कल रात 8 बजे गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया देखिये । हम सभी आज़ाद पत्रकारिता करने वालो को एक होना होगा।” (English translation: Brave journalist Manish Kashyap, who raised the voice of millions of poor and labourers of Bihar, was arrested as a criminal yesterday night around 8 pm. We all free journalists must unite)
Here’s the link to the above post.
NewsMobile fact-checked the above claim, and found it to be MISLEADING.
We got to know that the Bihar Police had registered a case naming four people, including Manish Kashyap, for spreading fake and misleading videos with claims of violent incidents involving Bihari migrants in Tamil Nadu. According to the information given by the Bihar Police in the tweet, Kashyap is the operator of the YouTube channel Sach Tak News.
तमिलनाडु राज्य में प्रवासी बिहार के निवासियों के साथ कतिपय हिंसात्मक घटनाओं से सम्बन्धित सोशल मीडिया पर प्रसारित असत्य, भ्रामक एवं उन्माद फैलाने वाले वीडियो एवं पोस्ट पर जाँचोपरांत कांड दर्ज। (1/13)#BiharPolice
— Bihar Police (@bihar_police) March 6, 2023
But we could not find any such report mentioning the arrest of Manish Kashyap. According to Jagran’s report, the Economic Offences Unit of Bihar Police had registered another FIR against Manish Kashyap.
According to the report, this FIR has been registered again in the case of posting a misleading image of his arrest from his Twitter account. Bihar Police has also informed about this through its official Twitter handle. The tweet text reads: “The photo of his arrest was posted on the new Twitter handle by accused Manish Kashyap in Tamil Nadu in the case of broadcasting untrue/misleading video for the working people of Bihar, which is completely untrue and misleading. FIR is being lodged against this misleading post.”
तमिलनाडु में बिहार के कामकाजी लोगों के लिये असत्य/भ्रामक वीडियो प्रसारित करने के प्रकरण में अभियुक्त मनीष कश्यप के द्वारा नए twitter हैंडल पर अपनी गिरफ्तारी की फोटो पोस्ट की गई जो पूर्णतःअसत्य तथा भ्रामक है।
इस भ्रामक पोस्ट के लिए पुनः प्राथमिकी दर्ज की जा रही है।#BiharPolice— Bihar Police (@bihar_police) March 12, 2023
In another report, an official from the police headquarters said that the viral image of Manish Kashyap uploaded on social media was from his arrest by the Patna Kotwali police on February 5, 2019. This is also confirmed by other news reports in 2019.
Thus, it is evident from the above information that an old image is falsely shared as the arrest of one accused in the Tamil Nadu fake video case.
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