Following the tragic landslide in Wayanad, Kerala, which claimed over 300 lives, an image of a mountain with a missing section of land is widely circulating on social media. Many users claim it depicts the recent Wayanad landslide.
A Facebook user posted the image with the caption: #WayanadLandslide Today Wayanad, tomorrow it may be Tamilnadu — Nilgiris or Kanyakumari, stop blasting rocks for your personal gain in Western ghats!
Check the above post here (Archive)
NewsMobile fact-checked the claim, and found it to be Misleading.
Putting the image through Reverse Image Search, the NM team found a report by NASA, dated February 13, 2006, and titled: “Gridding the Risks of Natural Disasters,” featuring the same picture.
According to the report, the image depicts a landslide triggered by an earthquake in 2001 near Santa Tecla, El Salvador. The earthquake resulted in the burial of numerous homes.
According to another report, featuring the same viral image, the image depicts the aftermath of the earthquake that struck El Salvador on January 13, 2001, resulting in over 500 fatalities.
Thus, we can conclusively say that the viral picture, claiming that it’s the recent Wayanad disaster, is False.
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