Following assembly elections held in Punjab on February 20, 2022, an image has surfaced on social media platforms showing an empty Indian National Congress booth. Several social media users are sharing the image with sarcastic captions suggesting that it is indicative of Congress’ performance in the4 state.
A Facebook user shared the image with a caption in Hindi that roughly translates to, “Slight trends have started coming from Congress’s Charanjit Singh Channi ji. Arvind Kejriwal had already given in writing to a news channel that Channi is losing from both the seats.”
(Original:कांग्रेस के Charanjit Singh Channi जी के हल्के से रुझान आने शुरू हो गए हैं Arvind Kejriwal जी ने न्यूज़ चैनल को पहले ही लिख कर दे दिया था चन्नी दोनों सीटों से हार रहे हैं)
We also found some users sharing the image linking it to ongoing Uttar Pradesh assembly elections.
NewsMobile fact-checked the viral image and found that it is not related to the ongoing assembly elections in Punjab or Uttar Pradesh.
On performing a Reverse Image Search, we found that the same image has been in circulation on social media since April 2019. A Twitter user has shared this image in April 2019. One can see a parked two wheeler that has a Karnataka number plate.
NewsMobile couldn’t verify the location and context of the image, however, as it has been in circulation since 2019, it is not related to the ongoing assembly elections in Punjab or Uttar Pradesh.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the viral image has nothing to do with the ongoing assembly elections in five states.
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