The documentary film “The Kerala Story”, which depicts three Kerala women converting to Islam and joining the Islamic State group, sparked controversy and political debates nationwide even before its scheduled release on May 5, 2023. The documentary has been banned in West Bengal and Tamil Nadu due to concerns about its potential to provoke violence, while state governments led by the BJP have waived off taxes for its screening.
Against this backdrop, a video showing a woman thrashing a supposedly Muslim man after he approaches the woman on a scooter is widely shared on social media, claiming that it is the ‘The Kerala Story Effect’.
The video is shared on Facebook with a caption: “!! KERALA STORY EFFECT !!! In Coorg, Karnataka, this peaceful Muslim guy was calling Hîndu girls and was making vulgar remarks, this girl courageously called him to meet, and the rest was history. This is the right treatment they deserve… great”
Here’s the link to the above post.
NewsMobile fact-checked the above claim, and found it to be MISLEADING.
Performing a Reverse Image Search, we spotted a news report by the Telugu news website Samayam carrying the same viral video, dated September 18, 2020, stating that in Karnataka one Mudasir Ahmed, who harassed a woman, was beaten up by her husband and some others. This clearly means that the video is old and cannot be related to the recent ‘The Kerala Story’ controversy.
The same video had also been uploaded on the official Facebook page of English NEWJ, dated September 25, 2020, with a caption “Man Pays Price For Sending Vulgar Messages To A Woman.”
Another news report by The Times of India, dated September 18, 2020, states that the Madikeri police in Karnataka had arrested five individuals in connection with the incident. According to the report, the accused, Mohammed Mudasir, had been sending inappropriate messages to the woman, which led her to arrange a meeting with him in Madikeri. When Mudasir arrived, the woman and her associates allegedly assaulted him. Mudasir filed a counter-complaint of assault, and the police subsequently arrested the woman and her three accomplices, along with Mudasir.
Thus, it is evident from the above information that an old video of a woman thrashing her harasser is falsely shared as ‘The Kerala Story effect’.
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