A picture showing a man holding the Bangladeshi flag while standing on the Indian national flag is widely circulating on social media.
The picture caption in Hindi reads: “इसे ही नमकहराम कहते हैं। भारत के फ़ेंके हुए टुकड़ों पर पलने वाले बांग्लादेशी अब पाकिस्तान से प्रेरणा प्राप्त करके अपने मन के अंदर के इस्लामिक कट्टरता को बाहर लाते हुए कैसे भारत के तिरंगा झंडा को अपने पैरों तले रौंद रहे है। यदि भारत चाह जाए तो यह लोग भूखे मर जाएंगे, ना इनके पास राशन होगा, ना पहनने को कपड़ा होगा और ना कहीं भागने के लिए रास्ता होगा” (English version: “This is called nakhaharam. Bangladeshis who were fed on the crumbs thrown by India is now getting inspired by Pakistan and bringing out the Islamic fanaticism inside their minds and trampling the Indian tricolour flag under their feet. If India wishes, these people will die of hunger, they will have no ration, no clothes to wear and no way to escape.”)
The above post can be seen here (archive). More such posts can be seen here, here and here.
NewsMobile conducted an image fact-checking, and found it to be AI-generated.
Though the image appears realistic at first glance, a closer inspection revealed significant inconsistencies, pointing to AI manipulation rather than a genuine photograph.
Using advanced AI detection tools — TrueMedia and Hive Moderation — our team confirmed that the image was created using AI technology.
So in conclusion, we can say that the viral image of a man holding the Bangladeshi flag while standing on the Indian national flag is AI-generated.