Recently, an image purportedly showing Utkarsh Dwivedi, who held the Civil Services Examination with 5th rank in India, has started doing the rounds on social media platforms, claiming that he is a Corporal in the Indian Air Force.
A Facebook user shared the image with the caption: “Indian Air Force Corporal Utkarsh Dwivedi cracks the IAS exam & secures all-India 5th rank in the merit list. Heartiest congratulations. CPL U. Dwivedi.”
When NewsMobile fact-checked the viral claim, it was found to be fake.
On performing the relevant keyword searches, we identified an interview by Aaj Tak on June 2. According to the interview, Utkarsh Dwivedi is a resident of Ayodhya. In 2018, he started preparing for Civil Services. In 2019, he took the examination for first time, but could not succeed in the interview. This was his third attempt. And he has secured 5th rank. There was also no mention of any job that Utkarsh took after his graduation from VIT.
Utkarsh Dwivedi’s other interviews have also not mentioned of any job he was doing. In this mock interview as well, Utkarsh answered ‘no’, when asked whether he took up any job after graduating.
In a tweet, Utkarsh has dismissed the viral claim, stating that he has no connection with Indian Air Force.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the viral claim is false.