Amidst the ongoing post-poll violence in West Bengal, a video of a girl resisting an elderly woman who was giving water to a man lying on the ground is doing the rounds on social media. The caption of the video suggests that the man has been a victim of the ongoing violence in the state.
The text on the picture in Hindi read: “बात धरणो से नहीं बनेगी बात तो राष्ट्रपति शासन लगाकर बंगाल को सेना के हाथ में देकर बनेगी। …“
(Translation: The matter cannot be solved by strikes, give control to the army and impose President’s rule in Bengal)
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NewsMobile fact-checked the above post and found the claim to be false.
Firstly, we put the keyframes of the video through Reverse Image Search and found snapshots from the video in a report by India Today dated May 5, 2021. The headline of the report read, “Heartbreaking: Wailing daughter fights mother to give water to Covid positive father in Andhra village”.
As per the report, the video is from Andhra Pradesh where a daughter tried to provide water to her Covid-19 positive father even as her mother tried hard to stop her from going near him. The 50-year-old man, Asiranaidu (50), a native of Koyyanapeta in G Sigadam Mandal of Srikakulam district, tested positive for Covid-19 and breathed his last in front of his daughter and wife.
Further, we found a video published by NDTV on YouTube dated May 5, 2021. “Teen Tries To Give Water To Covid Positive Father In Andhra, Stopped By Mother”, the title read.
The video mentions that the family decided to return to their native village after getting infected with the virus but when they arrived, villagers, who learnt about their sickness, asked them to isolate themselves in a thatched hut located on an open farm, away from the village.
In conclusion, the information proves that the man in the video was a COVID-19 patient from Andhra Pradesh and the video is unrelated to the violence in West Bengal.
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