Amidst the heavy rainfall affecting various parts of India, a video showing a road caving in outside a tunnel has gone viral on social media. It’s being claimed that this is outside the Atal Tunnel in Himachal Pradesh. Some users have criticised the Modi government, sarcastically referring to the current period as “Amritkaal”.
It is to be noted that the Atal Tunnel — located in the Pir Panjal range of HP — was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2020. This 9.02-km long tunnel, which connects Manali with Lahaul Spiti, holds the record in the World Book of Records as world’s longest traffic tunnel.
The video is shared with a caption: “अटल सुरंग का भयानक दृश्य”
Here’s the link to the above post. (Archive)
NewsMobile fact-checked the above claim, and found it to be FALSE.
Conducting a Reverse Image Search of the viral video keyframes, the NM team identified multiple posts from July 2023, indicating that the footage is actually from the city of Ordu on the Black Sea coast of Turkey. Further searches revealed numerous media reports related to this video.
On July 11, 2023, the Turkish media outlet “Voice of World” tweeted that the video shows the Darikabaşı Tunnel in Ordu, Turkey. At that time, the road outside the Darikabaşı Tunnel had collapsed due to severe weather conditions, and the video captures that event. Turkey’s TV news channel, NTV, and Russia’s Sputnik News also reported on this incident, confirming the video’s location in Turkey.
Ordu’da heyelan: Karadeniz-Akdeniz Yolu’nda bazı noktalar çöktü
— Sputnik Türkiye (@sputnik_TR) July 11, 2023
Thus, we can conclusively say that the viral video showing the road collapse is from Turkey, NOT outside the Atal Tunnel in Himachal Pradesh.
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