Amidst the ongoing unrest in Bangladesh, an image showing a large crowd on the roads with a Bangladesh flag waving on a pole is circulating on social media. Many users claim the image depicts the current protests in Bangladesh.
A Facebook user posted the image with a caption: भूख और बेरोज़गारी अक्सर तानाशाहों के सिंहासन तक खा जाती हैं!!जनता सड़क पर उतर जाए तो प्रधानमंत्री तक को देश छोड़कर भागना पड़ता है!!तस्वीर आज बांग्लादेश से आई है। (Englisth Translation: Hunger and unemployment often take away at the throne of dictators!! If people take to the streets, even the Prime Minister has to flee the country!! Today’s picture from Bangladesh.)
Check the above post here (Archive)
NewsMobile fact-checked the above image, and found it to be AI-generated.
Running the Reverse Image Search, the NM team could not find any relevant reports related to the picture. However, a closer examination of the image revealed several discrepancies, such as people climbing the poles appearing artificial, and the crowd standing below being blurry.
Running the image through Hive Moderation — an AI-content detection tool, and found that the image is 99.6% likely to be generated by AI.
To further confirm, we ran the image through other AI-content detection tools, illuminarty.AI, and AI or Not. The results confirmed that the viral image was AI-generated.
Thus, we can conclusively say that the viral image claiming it to be from Bangladesh unrest is, in fact, AI-generated.
If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 11 7127 9799
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