An image showing Prime Minister Narendra Modi wearing a white jacket and leaning in front of a microscope is widely shared on social media. Taking a dig at PM Modi, many users claim that his eyes are not aligned with the lens of the microscope, and he appears to be looking underneath the lens.
The image is shared on Facebook with a caption: “देश के मतदाता और दुनिया देख रही है भारत के प्रधानमंत्री जी डॉक्टर के वेश में लेंस और आंख का मिलान नहीं आंख कहां और लेंस कहां कौन सी जांच या रिसर्च। लेंस दोनों आंखों के बीच में आ रहा है। कोई विपक्षी पार्टी का इस तरह की जांच करते हुए दिखाया जाता 3 दिन तक न्यूज़ चैनल पूरी दुनिया में ढोल बजा देता।” (English translation: The voters of the country and the world are watching the prime minister of India in the disguise of a doctor, the lens and the eye do not match, where is the eye and where is the lens, which investigation or research. The lens is coming in between both eyes. If any opposition party was shown doing such an investigation, the news channel would have played the drums all over the world for 3 days)
Here’s the link to the above post.
NewsMobile fact-checked the above claim, and found it to be FALSE.
We found a news report in Zee News carrying the same viral image, along with other AI-generated images on April 9, 2023, with a headline: “PM Narendra Modi AI Images: If PM Narendra Modi was in any other profession, then see how he would have looked?”
We further came across a report on the website ‘’ that credits the AI-generated images to an individual named ‘sahixd’.
Searching further, we found the Instagram handle ‘sahixd’ whose bio reads: “digital creator” and “AI enthusiast”. On April 2, Shahid posted a series of images depicting PM Modi in different professions created through the use of AI. These images portray Modi as an astronaut, gym trainer, doctor, hacker, and police officer, accompanied by a caption: “What if Modi was not a politician?”
Thus, it is evident that the viral image depicting PM Modi looking at a microscope is AI-generated.
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