A video is extensively shared on social media, in which an appeal is made to buy liquor from government contracts through a loudspeaker from an e-rickshaw. Apart from telling the prices of different brands of liquor, people are also asked to beware of those selling spurious liquor. By sharing this video, users claim that the viral video is from Punjab.
The video is shared on Facebook with a Hindi caption: “पंजाब की व्यथा यही है शराब के सरकारी ठेके का प्रचार वो भी लाउडस्पीकर से. क्या ये है नया उड़ता पंजाब…? यहाँ पर अब शराब का प्रचार धुआंधार वो लाउडस्पीकर पर हो रहा है… और रेट के साथ! जीतना चाहे पियो उस के लिये यदि कुछ भी बेचना पड़े बेच कर पियो. और नाले मे गिर कर पंजाबीयत का नाम” (English translation: This is the plight of Punjab, promotion of government contract of liquor and that too with a loudspeaker. Is this the new flying Punjab? Wine promotion is happening here now on loudspeaker. And with the rate! drink as much as you want, if you have to sell anything, sell it and drink. And the name of Punjabiyat is falling into the drain)
Here’s the link to the above post.
NewsMobile fact-checked the above claim and found it to be MISLEADING.
Using the InVid Tool, we extracted keyframes from the viral video and performed a Reverse Image Search. This search directed us to a news report, published on July 14, 2022, highlighting the same incident. According to the article, the incident happened in Rohtak, Haryana.
The video uploaded here has a better quality. Scanning through the video carefully, we found a barricade with Rohtak Police written on it.
We also saw Tarun Fire Protection’s board written on one of the shops’ boards. On a Google search, we found its address at HUDA Complex, Rohtak.
As there is no credible media report corroborating the viral claim, it is now clear that the video is from Haryana, and NOT Punjab.
If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 11 7127 979l9
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