A post is being shared on social media, claiming that the Government of India has issued a notice asking users to not share political post online.
” सोशल मीडिया से जुड़े Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp और Other Networks के माध्यम से कोई भी व्यक्त्ति आगामी चुनाव 2019 के दौरान चुनाव प्रचार संबंधित पोस्ट, फ़ोटो,बैनर आदि को रक दूसरे को न भेजें ।लोक सभा चुनाव की अधिसूचना जारी होने के साथ ही आदर्श आचार संहिता प्रभावी हो चुकी है सोशल मीडिया से जुड़े सभी admin pannel अपने Group में जुड़े सदस्यों को सूचित कर एक जिम्मेदार नागरिक होने का दायित्व निभायें किसी भी गलती का वह स्वयं उत्तरदायी होगा । चुनाव आयोग की जिला स्तरीय Special Surveillance Team द्वारा कार्यवाही भी की जा सकती है ” – the notice read.
(Translation – No person should share political posts via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and Other Networks associated with social media as part of the election campaign during the upcoming election, 2019!
The District level Special Surveillance Team will take action against anybody found guilty. )
One of our readers sent this notice on our WhatsApp number for fact-checking.
The post was also shared on Facebook
When NewsMobile Fact Checked this claim, we found out that it was false.
We started with checking the website of ‘Crime Prevention Council of India’
We found a notice where they have clarified that the Crime Prevention Council of India is a non-governmental organization. They also said that the viral letter has not been issued by the organisation.
Also, while EC has issued guidelines for candidates for the use of social media this is not part of the guidelines.
This shows that the letter is Fake and should not be shared further.