Actor Ranveer Singh has come out in support of 22-year-old Lakshya Sen after the shuttler experienced a tough defeat in the men’s singles badminton bronze medal match. Lakshya was commended for his performance at the Paris Olympics by Ranveer in his Instagram story as he encouraged the player by saying that he is 22 and is just getting started.
Ranveer, on his story, shared a photo of Lakshya with a caption: “What a player! What endurance, what agility, what a range of shots, what focus, what grit, what smarts. Scintillating badminton on display! It’s difficult to encapsulate just how brilliant he’s been at the Olympics. Missed out narrowly in a game of extremely small margins. But he’s only 22 and he is just getting started.” He also wrote a note saying, “Fight another day. Proud of you, starboy. @senlakshya.”
Although Ranveer showed immense support towards the Shuttler, his father-in-law, Prakash Padukone was extremely disappointed and criticized the performance of the Indian badminton team, saying, “The players need to introspect, and not just keep asking for more from the federations. They need to ask themselves whether they are working hard enough, because all of these players have their own physios and all the facilities. I don’t think any other country, including the US, has so many facilities.”
Lakshya competed with Lee Zii Jia for the bronze but lost with scores of 13-21, 21-16, 21-11. Although, he has made history as the first Indian male to reach the semi-finals in Olympic badminton. After the match, Lakshya said, “I had my chances. Could have done better in the second set. Credit to him; he played very well. I am not able to take it at the moment. In between the points, there was blood on the floor. I was losing some momentum, having a break in my game. Serving again and trying to refocus on the match.”