Indian Cricketer Yuvraj Singh and model-turned-actress Hazel Keech on Wednesday exchanged wedding vows at the spiritual dera of Baba Ram Singh Ganduan Wale in village Duffera on Sirhind-Chandigarh Road here.
After the ‘Anand Karaj’ ceremony, the couple got the blessings of Dera head Baba Ram Singh.
The couple tied the knot at the venue which was chosen by Yuvraj’s mother Shabnam Singh.
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The wedding was a low-key affair with only couple’s closet friends and family in attendance. Tight security arrangements were made near the Dera.
Hazel visited the Dera second time today as the couple had earlier paid a visit post their engagement.
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The newlyweds wore maroon-and-gold outfits. The bride wore a marron colour lehenga with intricate golden embroidery.
Yuvraj looked dapper in velvet sherwani, which he paired with maroon turban and mojri.
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Wedding at the Dera was performed as per Sikh rituals.
Yuvraj’s father and former cricketer-actor Yograj Singh did not attend the wedding ceremony of his son in the dera.
Yograj had already said that he would not attend the wedding as he was against marriage being solemnised by a Dera leader, “as he believes in god, not religious leaders.
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