Senior IPS officer Balaji Srivastav was on Tuesday given the additional charge of Commissioner of Police, Delhi. A 1988 IPS officer, Srivastav is currently serving as the Special CP (vigilance) in Delhi Police and was earlier appointed as DG (Mizoram).
The move comes as the present Commissioner of Delhi Police SN Shrivastava is set to retire on Wednesday.
An order, issued on Tuesday by Deputy Secretary (services) BG Krishnan stated, “Consequent upon the superannuation of S N Shrivastava, Commissioner of Delhi Police, Balaji Srivastav, will hold the additional charge of Commissioner of Police, Delhi, in addition to his regular charges until the appointment of a regular incumbent or until further orders, whichever is earlier.”
He has previously worked as the DGP of Puducherry and Mizoram and Special Commissioner, Intelligence, Economic Offence Wing and Special Cell, Delhi. He has also served in the Cabinet Secretariat for nine years and handled sensitive assignments.