In a bid to corner the ruling Trinamool Congress this poll season, the West Bengal unit of BJP has shared a video claiming to feature TMC MP Nusrat Jahan.
Nusrat appears to be agitated in the video. In the video – shared through West Bengal BJP Twitter handle – a woman can be heard saying: “I have been at the rally for over an hour. I don’t do this even for the Chief Minister. Are you kidding?”
“TMC MP Nusrat Jahan ” I can’t do rally for more than 1 hour, I don’t even do it for CM” #MamataLosingNandigram,” tweeted BJP Bengal.
TMC MP Nusrat Jahan ” I can’t do rally for more than 1 hour, I don’t even do it for CM”😆 #MamataLosingNandigram
— BJP Bengal (@BJP4Bengal) March 28, 2021
The video quickly went viral on the microblogging site.
Meanwhile, the first phase of the West Bengal Assembly elections concluded with an estimated 79.79 per cent voter turnout on Saturday.
In the first phase, 30 seats covering all Assembly constituencies from the districts of Purulia and Jhargram and a segment of Bankura, Purba Medinipur and Paschim Medinipur went to polls to decide on the electoral fate of 191 candidates, including 21 women.
Now the remaining seven phases for the 294-member West Bengal Assembly polls will be held on different dates with the final round of voting scheduled on April 29. Counting of votes will take place on May 2. (With ANI inputs)