After months of testing, Netflix on Wednesday launched a new lower-priced mobile-only subscription plan in India. The monthly subscription plan is priced at Rs. 199, and it streams only in SD (standard definition). Tailored exclusively for the Indian market, this plan is only available for mobile and tablet users for now, and is much cheaper than the original monthly plans that start from Rs. 499.
The Netflix Rs. 199 monthly mobile plan is available from today, and it brings features like SD streaming, one concurrent stream only, and availability on tablets as well. There’s no support for casting on TV with this lower-priced plan.
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According to Netflix, more people sign up on mobile in India than anywhere in the world, as a percentage of total sign-ups in India. With this, Netflix gears up to compete better with competitive streaming services like Amazon’s Prime Video and Hotstar, a video streaming platform owned by Walt Disney’s India unit.
This new plan has been in testing for a while now, and it joins other plans priced at Rs. 499, Rs. 649, and Rs. 799. At the time of testing, Rs. 250 was the subscription fee charged by Netflix, and it appears to have rethought the decision. To recall, Hotstar charges Rs. 299 per month, while Amazon bundles its video and music streaming services with its Prime membership that is priced at Rs. 129 per month.
“Our members in India watch more on their mobiles than members anywhere else in the world – and they love to download our shows and films. We believe this new plan will make Netflix even more accessible and better suit for people who like to watch on their smartphones or tablets – both on the go and at home,” said Ajay Arora, Director, Product Innovation, Netflix.