Bhopal: As Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday flagged off the Bhopal-New Delhi Vande Bharat train from Rani Kamlapati railway station, he took a jibe at Congress and said that they would call it PM’s April Fool Prank but ‘the Vande Bharat Express train showcases the skill, potential and confidence of our nation.’
The Vande Bharat Express will run between Rani Kamlapati and Hazrat Nizamuddin covering 708 km distance in 7.45 hours.
PM Modi while taking a dig at the grand old party added that “Previous governments were busy with public appeasement. But this government is dedicated to satisfying people’s needs and aspirations.”
Speaking about the Indore step wall collapse, PM Modi added that “I express my grief over the incident that happened on Ram Navami in Indore. I pay tribute to those who lost their lives in this accident. I express my condolences to the kin of those devotees who have been injured and are undergoing treatment in the hospital. I wish a speedy recovery to them,”.
PM Modi also interacted with school students and train staff on board Bhopal-New Delhi Vande Bharat train at Rani Kamlapati railway station.
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