Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg has been fined for breaking COVID-19 social distancing rules when she organised a family gathering to celebrate her birthday, Norwegian police said on Friday.
The fine is for 20,000 Norwegian crowns ($2,352), police chief Ole Saeverud told a news conference, Reuters reported.
Last month, the two-term Prime Minister apologised for organising an event for her 60th birthday with 13 family members at a mountain resort in late February, despite a government ban on gatherings of more than 10 people.
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Police said Solberg and her husband, Sindre Finnes, made the decision together to hold a celebration and picked the restaurant, with Finnes taking care of the practical arrangements.
Though police said he had broken the law as well, he was not fined. The restaurant where the celebration took place was also found to have violated the law but it was not fined.