Karthiyaniamma Krishnapilla, a 96-year-old resident from Kerala has topped the class 4 examination with 98 per cent. The examination was conducted by Kerala Literacy Mission Authority. The Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan will be rewarding the woman today at the CM’s conference hall.
Before starting school, Karthiyaniamma was a cleaner in some temples around her area. Similar examinations were attempted by about 43000 students of classes 4, 7, 10, 11 and 12 of which 42933 students passed the exam, and the 96-year-old lady topped class 4 with 98 per cent out of 100. She has truly proven that age is just a number for some people.
The Kerala State Literacy Mission launched a literacy programme called Aksharlekha to test the reading, writing, and basic mathematical skills of students. The programme was launched on Republic Day this year and the aim of starting this was to meet the target of scoring 100 per cent literacy in the state especially among slum-dwellers, fishermen and tribal groups.