In an effort towards contributing to the society and towards humanity, Mallikarjun, an auto driver in Karnataka has been giving free rides to pregnant women in an emergency till the hospital throughout the day and night. He has been offering this service since five years now.
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He is a resident of Shanthi Nagar in Kalburagi city in Karnataka. The driver claims that till now, he has helped over 100 women with this free of cost service. He has four auto-rickshaws on which he has written his mobile number and other necessary details of the service.
While interacting with ANI, he recalled an incident that made him start the service. He said: “My pregnant sister faced problem in going hospital five years ago, there was no ambulance here. So I do this. The number is written behind my auto, people call me up when they need an auto.”
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Mallikarjun has claimed that from past five years, he has helped more than 100 pregnant women through his free of cost services.
(With inputs from ANI)
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