Bengaluru: The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) secretary, Jay Shah, announced on Saturday that the new National Cricket Academy (NCA) in Bengaluru is nearing completion and will soon be operational. The state-of-the-art facility will include a range of world-class amenities aimed at enhancing the development and training of cricketers.
Shah highlighted that the new NCA will feature three playing grounds, 45 practice pitches, indoor cricket pitches, an Olympic-sized swimming pool, and advanced facilities related to training, recovery, and sports science. He emphasized that these top-notch facilities will provide an optimal environment for both current and future cricketers to hone their skills.
The foundation for the new NCA was laid in February 2022 by former BCCI president Sourav Ganguly, Jay Shah, and current NCA chief VVS Laxman. The current NCA, located at the Chinnaswamy Cricket Stadium in Karnataka and established in 2000, has been instrumental in training young cricketers and providing rehabilitation for injured players.