In an alleged attack by some residents of Vijay Nagar in Ghaziabad, the police vehicles were targetted, leaving about five policemen injured. The vehicles were hovering around the area to seize a quarrel happening at Bhavrao Devras Colony on Sunday night. The policemen were attacked with blades and bitten by the residents due to which they sustained severe injuries.
The whole incident took place after a drunk man tried to cause destruction to some motorcycles that were owned by the residents of the colony. He also attacked the guard on duty. This incident happened around 11 pm on Sunday and also came to an end when the policemen arrived at the location.
One of the residents living in the colony, Om Prakash Raghav filed a complaint against the drunk man. He also reported the entire series of the event in the complaint and said that the police personnel were attacked and misbehaved with while the policemen were trying to pacify the fight at the residence. The names of the accused men are Rahul, Ramfal, Rohit, Shashi, Shyama Devi, Sangeeta, and Babita.
The first FIR was filed under the IPC sections for attempt to murder, roiting, preventing the government servant from performing his duties and causing injury. The second was against the group of seven people accused by the residents who were trying to help the drunk man’s relatives who allegedly damaged their vehicles.