Mumbai: In the latest episode of Bigg Boss OTT 3, contestant Ranvir Shorey received a special gift from actress Shehnaaz Gill. Viewers witnessed this touching moment during the Weekend Ka Vaar episode, where Ranvir Shorey showcased a stylish suit, drawing applause and cheers from his co-contestants. Anil Kapoor, the host of the show, then revealed that the suit was a gift from Shehnaaz Gill.
Shehnaaz Gill sends a designer outfit for Ranvir Shorey for #WeekendKaVaar. That’s really sweet of
— #BiggBoss_Tak👁 (@BiggBoss_Tak) July 20, 2024
This sweet gesture left fans reminiscing about Shehnaaz Gill’s journey on Bigg Boss 13. During her time as a participant on the show, Shehnaaz often spoke about not being able to afford designer clothes. Fellow contestant Mahhi Vij even sent clothes for her. Fast forward to the present, Shehnaaz, now a recognized name in Bollywood, is in a position to gift others, illustrating how life has come full circle for her.
One fan wrote, “Full circle moment! Shehnaaz Gill, who once struggled to find designer clothes for Weekend Ka Vaar in BB13, is now paying it forward! She sends a designer outfit to Ranvir Shorey in BB OTT, just like Mahii Vij used to send her clothes back in the day!”
Another fan added, “Shehnaaz Gill, you have been a beautiful soul inside and out. During Bigg Boss 13, I still remember actress Mahhi Vij helped you in a similar situation, and today you helped Ranvir Shorey (red heart emoji). Anil Kapoor, she is one of the best female contestants in the history of BB Bigg Boss OTT 3.” #KindnessMatters.
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