Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan is making a lot of headlines lately. Her glamorous and stunning pictures are quick to go viral. There are already several fan clubs on social media platforms that are dedicated to her, which clearly indicate that she has a prominent fan following.
If reports are to be believed, the star daughter is currently completing her studies in London. Although, she keeps visiting home every chance she gets. It is evident through her latest Instagram posts that she is presently at home in Mumbai.
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In the picture and video that were quick to go viral, Suhana can be seen having a relaxing time with her best friend in the swimming pool.
Interestingly, Shah Rukh Khan is away with Abram at the snow-clad Alps. We don’t know whether he is still there but he has certainly escaped Mumbai’s harsh summer heat, while his daughter makes the most of it.
Meanwhile, Suhana was trending a few weeks ago when her mother Gauri Khan revealed that her daughter would be making her magazine cover debut soon. Rumours regarding her apparent Bollywood debut are also rife. However, there is no confirmation on the matter available as yet.