New Delhi: A firing incident unfolded within the premises of Tis Hazari Court in Delhi on Wednesday. The incident transpired due to a clash between two groups of lawyers.
“Two different groups of lawyers, including office bearers, allegedly shot in the air due to a quarrel that broke out between them,” the officials said.
Delhi | A firing incident reported at Tis Hazari Court premises, no injuries reported. Police say that this happened after an argument among lawyers.
(Note: Abusive language)
(Video Source: A lawyer)— ANI (@ANI) July 5, 2023
The authorities are currently conducting a thorough investigation into the matter, and a crime squad has been deployed to the location. No casualties have been reported.
KK Manan, Bar Council of Delhi Chairman, has strongly condemned the incident and assured that a thorough investigation will be carried out to ascertain whether the firearms involved were licensed or not.
“Detailed inquiry into the matter will be undertaken. It will be inquired if the weapons were licensed or not. Even if the weapons were licensed, no lawyer or anyone else can use them like this inside or around court premises,” said Manan.
Investigation into the matter is underway. Further details are awaited.
(With ANI Inputs)