REVEALED: Ways to win back your ex-girlfriend!


Whether your breakup happened a day ago, three months ago, a year ago or even if she’s seeing someone else, there is always a way to get back the girl who captured your heart. 

Winning your ex-girlfriend back isn’t really the hard part. The hard part is keeping her. NewsMobile compiles a list of things you should do in order to win back your EX. Take some time and go through the steps outlined here. You may find yourself getting a second chance at something you know you need to pursue. And like anything else, a little hard work is worth it for the things that really matter.


Reconnect with a text. 

Sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder—but other times, it causes that heart to seek out another person. So, don’t call first. Try sending a sweet text. Think about something that you shared together that might warm her heart. If she responds, she may be open to rekindling the spark.


Take it slow

You romanced her once already, but that doesn’t mean you get to go from zero to 60 without even getting behind the wheel. So propose getting together—not moving in together.


Call her

Suggest a casual date by phone. No texts. No emails. Let her hear your voice and register some sincere effort on your part. It will give you the chance to get together in a relaxed environment, without too much pressure. But remember, accepting your invite is just that—and not a sure sign she wants to get back together. If she turns you down, give her space. Don’t beg, cry, or stalk


Tell her you miss her. 

If she accepts your date invite, ease in. Ask what she’s been up to, how work is going, if her dog is still peeing on the couch—whatever. Then, say you want her back. Vulnerability will up your odds of a second chance; just don’t rip the Band-Aids off every old wound.


Avoid rehashing the past. 

After you’ve acknowledged the problem, look ahead. Don’t go down memory lane and hash out all the things you thought were wrong with the relationship. Focus on the positive qualities that brought you together in the first place, like that same crazy sense of humour.


Use the friend group. 

While you want a new beginning, you should still tap back into those old loving feelings. And an easy way to recreate happy times is to meet up in a safe, familiar environment—like an outing with your mutual friend group. Just make sure you can easily break off from the pack to talk.


Don’t compare notes. 

Look, forget that relationship-station hiatus even existed. You both up and went on with your lives while you were apart—but that doesn’t mean you need to talk about what went down.


Tap your romantic side. 

While chivalrous acts aren’t the most important thing, they are important. Chocolates, cards and flowers are time-honoured clichés for a reason: they kind of work. But here’s how to make it a legit, not cheesy, gesture. Write a love letter. Tell her why you love her and what it is about her that makes her completely special. It’s OK to rip off lyrics or poetry. Send the letter with flowers. Good, old-fashioned courtship works.


Buy a ring. Relax.

This advice isn’t for everyone, obviously. But if you’re absolutely positive about this girl, the ultimate bold move has had unparalleled success. Most of the time, the split is about commitment issues, so you’ve got to be coming back with terms she’ll be happy with. And even if you’re not ready for the ring? You can learn something here: You have got to step it up and have a plan for the relationship. 





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