5 reasons you should visit Pondicherry ASAP


Are you bored of making travel plans that includes Goa, Kerela, Leh, Kasol etc. Then you must think out of the box, helping you in the same NewsMobile brings you Pondicherry that may be your next holiday destination.

Here are some Pondicherry experiences for you:


1. Aurobindo Ashram


The ashram was founded by Sri Aurobindo in 1926 when he decided to withdraw from public view and continue with his spiritual growth. The place is now visited by thousands of spiritual seekers from all over the world. If inner peace is what you seek, this is where you should be headed. The ashram gives a lot of importance to yoga as it helps in transforming  body and mind.

2. Auroville


Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual collaborator, Mirra Alfassa, also known as the Mother, founded Auroville in 1968.  Her aim was to create a town where people of all nationalities could live in peace and progressive harmony, and true to her ideal, the place is a study of calm and composed.

ALSO READ:  8 Rajasthan Hotels No One Should Miss To Visit!

3. Karaikal Beach


Karaikal beach is the best place to visit in Pondicherry, feel the cool breeze, grab a beer and sit on the edge of the beach! is It is one of best and popular beach of Pondicherry.

Also Read:  5 Places to visit in your last days of singlehood!

4. Sunrise


Sunrise is always beautiful, the sunrise in early morning is best enjoyed by the sea. November to January is the best time in Pondicherry to witness mesmerizing sunrise!

5. Cuisine


Pondi cuisine is the perfect blend of different cultures and customs. There is a lot of seafood that can be enjoyed in Pondicherry and, being in the south, the traditional South Indian fare of idli-dosa is available too.



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