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Fictional characters that captured cinemas


Severus Snape: The epitome of every evil teacher we have ever had, all Harry Potter fans have grown up hating him. But J.K Rowling, developed Snape into one of the most layered and complex character in the series. She admitted that Snape was her one of her favorite characters to write, calling him ‘a gift’. He is a bitter, sarcastic and often vindictive, although a brilliant wizard, the reader is unable to truly understand him through him cold and icy exterior. His true loyalties and immense sense of friendship and love is only revealed in the final chapters of the series. By far Severus Snape is one of Rowling’s most brilliant and endearing characters.


Gandalf: Most fans of Tolkien will cite Gandalf as one of their favorite characters. Gandalf has immense depth and spirit, although he is quick to anger. He is a supporter, friend and confidant of the weak but pure, like the hobbits. Although he possesses great power, he never looks for recognition and fights besides the downtrodden against forces of evil.


James Bond: One of the most prolific masculine womanizers in literature, James Bond was born out of Cold War realities, but his charisma has carried well into this post Cold War world. Along with the books by Ian Fleming, the slew of films has also helped cement James Bond as an immortal fictional character. Bond radiated power, style and masculinity but is shown as a lonesome and solitary character.


Sherlock Holmes: The timeless eccentric, brilliant and drug addicted protagonist created by Sir Arthur Conon Doyle has no way lost his prominence among literary characters. For well over a hundred years Holmes has captivated many reader and writers. Characters based on Sherlock Holmes have dominated television and cinema. The television series ‘House’, the British show Sherlock or even Guy Ritchie’s Holmes series are based on the books directly or are an interpretation of it. Then there’s Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock in the 2009 film Sherlock Holmes. Either way, Sherlock Holmes is very much alive and kicking in our imaginations here in the 21th century.


Humbert Humbert: Perhaps one of the most controversial characters in literature, the narrator of Vladimir Nabokov’s infamous Lolita has been the center of much debate. Humbert’s obsession and subsequent relations with a twelve year old girl is told through his point of view. There are many interpretations of the book, like it being about authoritarianism, American consumerism, society’s act of sexualizing the child, the changing culture in America and others. Humbert Humbert draws the readers into his web and makes them question the whole idea of morality and tyranny.


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