Kalki Koechlin: Queen of ‘experimental’ fashion


New Delhi: Kalki Koechlin has always comes across as a bold lady, be in terms of her statements or her sense of style.

Be it chic and flowy or grungy and edgy, Kalki Koechlin can make any style look a cakewalk because the actress’ style mantra lies in ‘experimenting’.

When asked who her style icon is, the 31-year-old actress told ANI that she has been influenced from all over the world.

She loves pop star Gwen Stefani’s style, but prefers Audrey Hepburn when it comes to looking vintage and for the grungy rapper look, M.I.A is her first choice.

Kalki, who will be next seen in ‘ Mantra’ along with Rajat Kapoor and Shiv Pandit, revealed that for a routine day she opts for flowy clothes which are organic instead of synthetic, adding that cotton and linen are her preferred choices as she does a lot of physical work throughout the day.

When asked if she likes getting dolled up on a daily basis, the ‘Margarita With a Straw’ star said, “I don’t like dressing up every day but I really enjoy doing it every once in a while. I love wearing special dresses for the red carpet and it feels good to scrub up and feel like a lady once in a while, but not all the time.”

Expressing her love for traditional clothing, the thespian actress said that she is a big fan of sarees and never leaves a chance to wrap herself up in one.

(with inputs from ANI)


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