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If someone attacks us, we’ll give a befitting reply;it is better to kill the enemy: Manohar Parrikar


Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Thursday questioned the “loyalty” of those who doubted the Army and sought proof of surgical strikes across the LoC even as he made it clear that there is no need to give out any video of the operation.

Describing the cross-LoC operation as “100% perfect surgical strikes“, he said the borders of the country are secure under the Narendra Modi government.

ALSO READ: Surgical strikes: ‘Bodies of the terrorists transported in trucks,’ eyewitnesses claimed

However, he warned that one has to remain vigilant against “certain elements” who don’t owe their loyalty to the country completely.

“No one had doubted the bravery of our forces ever, but for the first time recently some people are doubting,” he said, maintaining that he would not like to take names.

Highlighting the news report in which a Pakistani police officer has admitted that surgical strikes did happen, Parrikar said, “There is now no more reason to release video or to give any proof.”

Parrikar, who was speaking at a BJP organised public meeting, said that many ex-servicemen have shown willingness to fight on the border if required.

ALSO READ: Surgical Strikes: Army hands over clips to government

“Some ex-servicemen wrote to me and said that they are ready to fight on the border if the need arises. I salute them,” said the minister, adding, “Our nation carries the heart and courage to carry this task out.”

He also said that the forces and citizens will have to be vigilant against “frustrated” terrorists who will try and attack because of the shame they have been put to as a result of the surgical strikes.


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