Ahead of the upcoming Gujarat Assembly elections, a video is widely circulated on social media showing some people with BJP caps and scarfs distributing alcohol in Gujarat — a dry state.
The video is shared with a caption: Modi ji’s Dry Gujarat
The link to the post can be seen here.
NewsMobile did the fact-check, and found it to be misleading.
Doing a Google Reverse Image Search, we found the same video uploaded by Congress on December 20, 2021, with a caption: alcohol was distributed at a BJP rally in Uttar Pradesh.
The viral video had been also published by Dainik Jagran in December, claiming that Congress tweeted a video alleging BJP’s liquor distribution at a rally. However, the report warns that the website cannot verify the source of the video.
UP Tak also shared the video on December 21, 2021, and credited UP Congress’s Twitter handle. They, too, warned against the authenticity of the video.
Hence, we can ascertain that the viral video is old and has no relation to Gujarat Elections.
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