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Tharoor writes to Congress explaining praise for Modi


New Delhi: Under attack from within, Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Friday wrote to the party explaining his controversial praise of Prime Minister Narendra Modi making it clear that he stood committed to the organisation and the principles of secularism. 

In a letter to Ajay Maken, Chairman of the AICC Communication Department, he said “by praising him (Modi) for specific things, we help frame public expectation of his continued behaviour and raise the bar against which we will judge him in future”. 

Tharoor’s letter comes against the backdrop of strong criticism from Congress MP Mani Shankar Aiyar calling him immature and a chameleon. He had said yesterday he was “deeply disappointed” that an “intelligent” man like Tharoor should want to rush to judgement in this manner and come out with this effusive remarks. 

Another senior leader Digvijay Singh advised Tharoor, who had written an article in an American news website in which he had said Modi was looking to turn himself from a “hate figure into an avatar of modernity and progress,” not to jump to conclusions. 

Congress itself had distanced itself from Tharoor’s praise of Modi and said they were his personal views. 

Party sources said the party feels the matter should be put to rest now with Tharoor’s explanation. “Our credibility as attacker will be far greater if we have been gracious when it seems to be warranted,” Tharoor said adding it would be all the better to attack him when he reveals his true face. 

“We can attack him on actions and policies with which we disagree,” he said. The Congress MP from Thirvananthapuram reiterated his commitment to the party and its secular principles. 

He has also maintained his views have been misrepresented in the media. On Thursday, Tharoor said he was not a ‘Modi fan’ and that his party would robustly attack him if he reverts to ‘Modi 1.0’ avatar.

Asked to comment on the controversy surrounding Tharoor’s remarks and his subsequent explanation, Congress General Secretary Shakeel Ahmed said the party has already noted that the comments were the Thirvananthapuram MP’s personal views.


(With PTI inputs)


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