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10 of the world’s weirdest museums


To satisfy your strangest curiosities, these splendid treasures trove around the globe.
You never know what turns an ordinary object into something extraordinary and u can put it in the museum. It may no matter be odd and mundane these objects still offer us windows into history and connect us to the nostalgic past. Exposing our dark preoccupations, most brilliant ideas, and the limitless creativity of the human mind.
1. Plastinarium

Das Plastinat "Pokerrunde" von Plastinator Gunther von Hagens (Foto undatiert). Das Plastinat wird im neuen James Bond-Film, "Casino Royale", der ab 23. November im Kino anlaeuft, zu sehen sein. Der 61-jaehrige umstrittene Leichenpraeparator Gunther von Hagens will am 17. November 2006 in der Fabrikanlage der ehemaligen Wollfabrik in Guben (Spree-Neisse) in Brandenburg eine Schauwerkstatt eroeffnen. Das so genannte Plastinarium soll Besuchern einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der "Koerperwelten"-Ausstellungen und die Techniken der Plastination gewaehren. In den Umbau des Gebaeude-Ensembles sollen 3,5 Millionen Euro investiert werden. (zu ddp-Text) Foto: Institut fuer Plastination Heidelberg/ddp

In Guben, Germany . After 39 years studying of medicine, dissection, and chemistry, Gunther von Hagens perfected plastination—a controversial process in which polymers are used to preserve human tissue. Visitors who tour the PLASTINARIUM receive a history lesson in anatomy, witness the graphic process of plastination, and can view a showroom of humans and animals in creative poses. The center also supplies traveling Body Worlds exhibits, which have been the subject of various ethical debates on body procurement and the handling of human remains post-mortem.


In Osaka, Japan
In 1958—after a year of experimenting in his backyard shed— Momofuku Ando invented the world’s first instant noodles: Chicken Ramen. The Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum documents this chapter of Japan’s food culture, where visitors can view instant noodles packages from around the world, taste limited-edition eats from Hokkaido and Tohoku, Japan, and design their own soup packaging at the My CUPNOODLES Factory.



In New York. The Museum of Sex opened in 2002 with the intent of preserving the history, evolution, and cultural significance of human sexuality. New York Magazine described a visit to this museum akin to “a Willy Wonka sex dream,” where you can treat your inner kid-adult to a round in the outlandish Bouncy Castle of Breasts or admire vintage erotic photography. The museum hosts temporary exhibitions as well as a permanent collection of over 15,000 artifacts, works of art, photography, costumes, and historical memorabilia—all with the intent of creating an open discourse around sex and sexuality.



Washington D.C features the largest ever public collection of espionage artifacts, shedding light on one of the world’s most secretive professions. Mini cameras, counterfeit money, disguised weapons, and cipher machines reveal the role of human intelligence and spies throughout history. Visitors can participate in interactive spy adventures, adopt their own covers, and unearth the stories behind the world’s most elusive spies through historic photographs and video interviews.



In Guanajuato, Mexico a UNESCO World Heritage site—hundreds of bodies were buried in the Santa Paula Pantheon’s crypts during the mid-19th century. If families were unable to pay a burial tax imposed by the town, the bodies were exhumed. It was then that they discovered the bodies had been mummified through a natural process, likely due to the region’s unique climactic factors. Their ghoulish corpses—including those of infants—are now on display at the Museo de Las Momias, or Mummy Museum.



Cancun, Mexico
Constructed in 2009 in the azure waters surrounding Cancun, Isla Mujeres, and Punta Nizuc, Museo Subacuático de Arte (MUSA) features over 500 life-size sculptures fixed to the sea floor. The oceanic art doubles as an artificial reef specially designed to promote the growth of coral, which continually transforms the aquatic landscape. The result is an eerily beautiful visual representation of humans’ interaction with the environment. Visitors can explore the museum by glass bottom boat, snorkeling, or scuba diving.



Reykjavik, Iceland
Dedicated to the study of phallology, this museum displays over 215 penises and penile parts of land and sea mammals. Specimens from whales, elephants, walruses, and homo sapiens are on display, along with a collection of eclectic phallic art. The museum’s founder, Sigurður Hjartarson, developed a lifelong fascination with phallology when he received a pizzle (bull’s penis) as a child—a device used as a whip for farm animals. In 1974, he started collecting whale penises, and opened the original museum in 1990 after accumulating a significant collection.



New Delhi, India
Located in India’s buzzing capital, the Sulabh International Museum of Toilets details the history of hygiene and sanitation from 2500 B.C. to present day. From the gold-plated toilets of Roman emperors to medieval commodes, the museum documents the evolution of the toilet through the ages. As if intricately painted chamber pots weren’t fascinating enough, the museum also hosts a collection of rare toilet poems.



Amsterdam, Netherlands
Among the lively bars and hotels in the heart of Amsterdam, this sinister museum transports visitors back in time to Europe’s dark history, when torture and execution were commonplace. From the spike-covered inquisition chair to decapitation swords, the museum displays over 40 instruments used in the interrogations of suspected criminals, witches, and political prisoners. The museum also educates students on modern torture—still practiced in nearly 100 countries—and pledges its support for the United Nations Convention Against Torture.



In Fort Micheal Kentucky In 1910, William Shakespeare Berger bought his first dummy: Tommy Baloney. By 1947, his collection had grown so large he renovated his garage to house the figures, and in 1962, he had to construct a second building. Today, Vent Haven Museum—the only one of its kind—displays more than 800 dummies, photos, playbills, and historical books from Berger’s collection. The museum also hosts the annual Convention, a ventriloquist meeting that attracts professionals and enthusiasts from around the world.


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