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Redefining the Republic Day in today’s social context; can patriotism have a new meaning


The last few days have left us gasping. Gasping for fresh air (what with pollution taking over our lifestyles), for freedom (from the shackles of the so called religious proprieties), for safety (especially for women) and lastly, for artistic freedom. As Indians, we are breathless for a fresh, hassle free life.

Is this what 69 years of freedom means to us. Are our children to start understanding that holidays from school go beyond the summer, winter, national and festival ones. It also includes Baba Ram Rahim, Karni Sena, pollution and protests. Is this the real meaning of ‘acche din?’

Its not that things aren’t progressing in India. Economically, we have grown by leaps and bounds. Foreign investors see huge potential here. Our education system is vibrant with luminaries. We are becoming a power to reckon with. All this is happening and Indians are proud of these developments.

But there is another extreme which is gaining ground too. From portraying ourselves as an accepting nation why do we goof up and show our biases. When the world is waking up to our potential, why do we forgo all this in the spur of political and religious outbursts and commit the unimaginable.

Let’s try and understand what the republic day mean to us in today’s context. Does it go beyond the definition of just a parade and chief guests coming in to address the nation? Is it just another holiday? Or are we truly living the ethos that this event projects.

If I were to list down the essence of a Republic Day in today’s context, this is what it would mean to me –

Practicing gender equality – The land of Bharat Mata has thrived enough on being intolerant towards women. The mindset needs to change. And in today’s context, for all genders including the LGBT community. Let achievers come forward irrespective of the gender they belong too. Female infanticide has to become history and this will only happen when education, literacy and awareness reach every house in the country.

Stop killing people over food – this is the most archaic of objections that our country has witnessed in a while. We got freedom from the British but what about the freedom from our unapologetic rituals. Why does a person have to be condemned for his food or religious choices? Till the time we live within the legal purview of the country, do not harm anyone or anything physically and respect life; everything should be acceptable. Even the food a person eats.

Following rules – Breaking traffic rules, jumping queues, not wearing a helmet when driving, travelling without valid tickets; these are ways in which we violate the written law of the land. Let’s show our patriotism by respecting the law. Not only will this enhance our international image but will also make us viewable as a law-abiding nation worth exploring.

Showing tolerance – The last few days have made us see enough of this side. Tolerance of violence and artistic insensibilities need to be negated. We are a country of rich cultural heritage. Let us preserve it appropriately. Not by demeaning someone’s vision in the name of sentiments and especially when the law of the country approves it. By hurting people and public property, we are only slicing our image of a culturally vibrant nation.

Taking a strong stand against rape and molestation – This is what we should actually be intolerant towards. It is unfortunate that while the country fights over a movie, a woman is raped on the streets. That another girl is molested and murdered. Let’s educate the masses about the repercussions of committing such crimes. Let us not turn a blind eye when heinous crimes like these happen.

Making safety a priority – a safe country will always be valued. If on one hand, we want economic and financial growth and we want to show the red carpet to foreign investors, then we need to create an environment of safety.

Going beyond the religion of politics – Politics should go beyond appeasement of caste, religion and class. Let us exercise our right to vote and decide, based on credentials rather than legacies.

Taking initiatives, which can impact our environment – Anti pollution, cleanliness and sanitation is the need of the hour. As a community, we have to come forward and take measures which can save the future. Thinking within the peripheries of personal gains has to be done away with. It is almost an emergency for us now.

Teaching our children empathy, kindness and respect – The children of today are the future of tomorrow. If we can teach them to respect life, share and be compassionate towards people who do not have the luxuries of abundance; our work as guardians will be almost done.

This would then be, the actual celebration of our Republic Day.


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