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Five Endangered Feline Species that we should care about more


The big cats of the world might seem furious and dangerous in nature, but they are still being hunted to extinction by the most dangerous species of the world i.e. the Homo sapiens. We are putting forward a list of ten endangered big cats that needs your support for their existence. We are also providing you links to the websites of organizations working towards this noble cause of their conservation , in case you are interested in contributing towards their well being.

1. Amur Leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis)


The critically endangered Amur Leopard is one the rarest big cat in the world. A subspecies of the leopard, these animals are found in the forested transboundary region that spans the Russian Far East and China. This rare subspecies has adapted to life in the temperate forests that make up the northernmost part of the species’ range. The Amur Leopards are poached largely for their beautiful spotted fur. They also suffer from prey scarcity because the prey they feed on, such as roe deer, sika deer, and hare, are hunted by local communities for both food and income. They are also threatened by habitat loss. Attempts for their conservation were made by the Russian federation which resulted in increasing their numbers from 27-32 to 70-75 in last 15 years.

Adopt an Amur Leopard with the WWF (World Wildlife Foundation)  so that this beautiful creature can survive another day.

2.Asiatic Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus)


The Asiatic Cheetah also known as the Iranian Cheetah, once ranged over to the grasslands of India, Pakistan, Russia, Iran and the Middle East.

But excessive human activity such as poaching, habitat degradation and scarcity of prey species that were hunted by the humans to near extinction has led to a severe existence crisis for the species. There have been no sightings of the big cat in Afghanistan from the 1950s and a recent survey in 2001 in Pakistan found no evidence of the big cats in the region. They used to wander from Iran to Turkmenistan but the construction of a border fence has made this natural migration more difficult.The Iranian Cheetah has a smaller head than their African cousins. Their legs are shorter, their coat thicker and their neck is more powerful.

Help this beautiful creature by supporting the Iranian Cheetah Society. The world is their home too.

3.The Iberian lynx(Lynx pardinus)


The Iberian lynx is a wild cat species native to the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe. This small wild cat is heavily spotted and weighs about half as much as its Eurasian species, with long legs and a very short tail with a black tip. Its coat is thick with dark spots and it bears a characteristic “beard” around its face and prominent black ear tufts.

Help the Iberian Lynx to survive longer by supporting the Ex Situ program.

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4.Javan Leopard (Panthera pardus melas)


The Javan Leopard is a leopard subspecies confined to the Indonesian island of Java and has been listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List since 2008. The population is estimated at less than 250 mature individuals, with a decreasing population trend.

Support the Javan Leopard by helping the Javan Leopard Program.

5.Snow Leopard(Panthera uncia)


Snow Leopard is a large cat native to the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia namely the Himalayan ranges of India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan. It is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species because, as of 2003, the size of the global wild population was estimated at 4,080–6,590 adults. Fewer than 2,500 individuals may be reproducing in the wild. As of 2016, estimates for the size of the global population vary from at least 4,080 to about 8,700 individuals.

Support the Snow Leopard by helping the Wildlife Conservation Society.


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