The Corona Virus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) which began in China has now spread to 58 nations and resulted in the death of more than 3000 deaths and 89,000 positive cases.
What exactly is this virus that has affected these many nations and individuals and how has India fared in this process? Let us explore these questions below:
1. What is this Novel Cornona Virus (nCOV)? Where did it originate from?
As per the Geneva based World Health Organization (WHO) is that this virus belongs to the same strain of virus which also caused the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and the SARS (severe acquired respiratory syndrome) and which causes the common cold.
However, this strain of virus is said to be slightly different from the others.
It is also understood to have the ability to affect bats, cats, dogs and other animals.
It is said to affect the kidney, cause pneumonia and breathing problems and in rare cases even cause deaths.
Researchers have confirmed that the virus has now acquired new forms of transmission and has affected people.
WHO is regularly monitoring the situation.
It is said to have originated from in a meat market in Wuhan city which is located in China’s central province of Hubei.
2. What are the symptoms? How to prevent its spread?
The symptoms include fever, cough, respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.
It is believed to have been transmitted from animals to humans and then onwards from human to human also.
Here is a list of DO’s and DON’T’s.
Ø Do not come into contact with an infected person.
Ø Do avoid imported meat from China.
Ø Do wash your hands regularly.
Ø Cover your mouth while sneezing.
Ø Thoroughly cook meat and eggs before consuming it.
Ø Report immediately if any of them symptoms are observed to the nearest medical practitioner.
3. What is the situation in India and which of the countries have been affected?
India has till date reported six positive cases and over 1000 Indians have been evacuated from China and Japan till date. India has taken pro-active steps to combat the spread of this virus and has rescued not only its citizens, but also nationals from other nations.
These five positive cases are: Three from Kerala and one each from Telenagana, Delhi and one Italian tourist who has tested positive at Jaipur in Rajasthan.
A school in Noida has also been shut down and exams have been postponed after the Delhi case was reported.
Thermal image scanners have been installed at more than 22 airports and sea ports and quarantine facilities have been set up all major states.
Those rescued from abroad are being quarantied at the Manesar facility of the Indian Army and the ITBP facility in New Delhi for a period of 14 days before being released.
The Ministry of Ayush has published a guide on the use of traditional medicine to control Coronavirus.